The first version of the BIBBOX. Implemented as a box you can deploy to supply basic IT infrastructure.
Biological resources, such as cells, tissues or biomolecules are considered as the essential raw material for the advancement of biotechnology, human health, and for research and development in life sciences.
Scientific research went through significant changes, expanding from single projects, using few data processing tools, to transnational consortia, working with a wide range of commercial and open-source software packages. These changes demand a high level of research collaboration and availability of software tools. Most of the open-source software tools require a significant effort for installation, configuration, mainly due to the lack of documentation for non-IT experts. The BIBBOX provides an integration platform for open-source software, allowing users to test open-source software before committing to their deployment in their local servers, which can be particularly diffult in hospital settings, due to the strict security protocols and regulations demands.
European guidelines recommend that scientific data should be made FAIR. However, it might not be straightforward for researchers to know how to actually make their data FAIR. The BIBBOX supports researchers in making their data FAIR. The modular and flexible design of BIBBOX allows developers to add a FAIR Data Point to existing open-source software solutions that handle data and publish these solutions in an App Store.
The aim of the BIBBOX is to make it easy for researchers, healthcare professionals, and other stakeholders to access and use a wide range of biomedical informatics tools.
FAIR Data Point: A FAIR-Oriented Approach for Metadata Publication
Our Solution
Open Source Software Toolbox for Biobanks
BIBBOX will provide an integration platform for open-source software in the biobank domain providing a single unified user experience. It enables biobanks to pull together information and applications into one service where users have quick access to all services specific to their role. These tools will be included in BIBBOX and will be further developed according to the needs of the biobank community.
In a virtual machine we will install, configure and connect a core set of open-source biobank software tools, ready to go with minimal IT effort. Featured with random generated example data, interested stakeholders can use and evaluate open-source software solutions right “out of the box”.The composition of the BiBBoX software toolbox will be community based.
BIBBOX, a FAIR toolbox and App Store for life science research
The Community
The BIBBOX platform is supported by the following institutions, projects, and people:
This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research programme under grant agreement No 857122 (CY-Biobank) and No 874662 (HEAP).
Friends and collaborators
BBMRR-ERIC Common Service IT